Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Metallica's "One" and Dalton Trumbo's "Johnny Got His Gun" show the parallels between life and death, salvation and loss of hope.
The story is about a young man, Joe Bonham, a troubled soul stricken with an injury from a landmine. The landmine took his legs, arms, and face, until he was left but one solid lump, a being that cannot face life, a life that would only be lived inside his head.
All he wants to do is go home, but he can't. Not knowing whether he is asleep or awake, alive or dead, and he is slowly going insane.
Unable to move around on his bed, he is stricken with bed soars, eating away at his side.
The thought of death frightened most people, but in Joe's situation, he welcomes it. The downfall of hope and salvation happens inside of a lot of people, whether it takes a traumatic event or not.
When there is a person that has no solid proof that there is a God to pray to does just that, the thoughts of death are consuming them in a way that there is no going back.
"Oh God, please wake me."
The thought that being in a dream is the only way that he will survive is a trgaedy. Joe feels hopepless and
"darkness imprisoning me."
He makes it feel like darkness is a force that you cannot escape. A living being that can take you over in a moment's notice.

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